One night after a long evening of blogging, I decided it was a good idea to just lay my laptop at the end of the bed when I went to sleep. Note, my bed is lofted and I have to use a step- stool to get in it! So needless to say, my computer slid off the bed and was met by an early death. It was an HP and I only had it for one year, it was my first college computer. When this happened, I was forced to use my old high school laptop that was about 5 years old. This was very slow and I was in desperate need of a new one! After begging my parents when I was at home this weekend, they finally broke down and bought me a new one! You are looking at the proud new owner of a MacBook Pro, and I couldn't be happier!! Although, I must say, I was quite a bit skeptical of Macs last year when I showed up to college and everyone had one, I thought they were extremely overrated. After doing some research I realized that they lasted much longer and were more reliable than a PC. My favorite part? well of course the light body weight, and the lightening fast speed, last night I discovered iPhoto! This is such an amazing program!! You cam import pictures from your camera or memory card, edit them with a quick touch of a button, and even tag them like you do on Facebook! Now I will never have an ugly picture again!! I can't wait to play around with it some more and discover new an exciting programs! So what do yall think? I know it will take some getting use- to with the programs and everything but do you have preferences over Mac of PC?
I LOVE your blog!!It's just adorable! Keep posting, I can't wait to read more. Have a great weekend!