2.My mommy... make that my parents I actually love them both!! I have the best parents in the world!! Really!! I am an only child so at times they can seem a bit over- bearing and over protective but I know that it is just because they love me and they ar

3.my sisters I honestly don't think people get the relationship that you have in a sisterhood unless you have actually been in the Greek system! I seriously love all of my sisters whole heartedly! There is so much respect and unity withing our chapter, I wouldn't trade it for the world! I have learned not only social skills but also leadership skills throughout my oh- so- short- time in Kappa Delta. I and so glad that God's plan worked out and I did not get my first choice going through recruitment because I know I found my home! 4.my best friend in the entire world, MB
MB and I met in Kindergarten. She likes to tell the story to everyone that my mom told her

5.a glass of good sweet tea
The best sweet tea in the south is my Mama's!! She starts by boiling a few cups of water on the stove, then add two Lipton Iced Tea bags and take it off the burner, let sit for about 40 minutes. Take the tea bags out, DO NOT SQUEEZE, and ad

6.fried chicken, YALL!
MMMmmmM!! Now I love me some real good, handmade, deep fried, Southern fried, crispy chicken breasts! Cracker Barrel has the best on Sundays after Church! yummy!! This can prove to be a real problem when I try to cut out both meat AND fried foods to lose some weight! I mean it's just not natural, this leads to me craving some fried food at about 11PM every few days...
7. my freedom
I thank god for my life And for the stars and stripes May freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died And the ones that gave their lives so we don`t have to sacrifice All the things we love Like our chicken fried."
It is really important that we keep up hope while we are in the middle of this war and are proud the say we're American!! People are dying and choosing to give their lives so that we can stay free and drive around, and shop and hang out with friends. Freedom is not a right; it is a privileged... some of us are quick to forget how long and how much hard work it took to get us to

8. some juicy gossip Oh man!! There is nothing I love to do more than sit down at lunch discussing all of the "He said...", "She said..." drama! This may get me into trouble at times but I looove it in the moment!
9. a good tan
Don't get me wrong, I am pretty pale at the moment but I am actually contemplating doing the unthinkable!! In high school I had a pre- cancerous mole removed from my arm and since then I have only gone tanning for special occasions and I wear 70 SPF sunscreen when outside. It just isn't the same! I truly was addicted, I had been going since 6th grade and would even wake up early and go before school at like 7am. It was horrible but I used to say "I would rather die tan than live white!"
10. meaningful conversations with meaningful people
you know, some people really just don't matter... they are here simply to cause conflict and drama in your life! When you start to cut these people out, then and only then will you have more time to spend with the people who do matter; the ones whom you love, and love you very much!! There is nothing I love more than just sitting down and having a nice long conversation with someone about their day, their stressors, their boy problems, or roommate problems. I love to just listen to people and pay attention because sometimes that is all they need!
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