THIS IS IT! can you believe it?! I in no way was looking for it and found it on the Kate Spade website! So of course, this means it is a sign right? I am meant to have it! So I click on the link and see that it is a cool $227.00, marked down from $325.00 so I wrack my brain, weighing the guilt that I will feel for spending that much money on one oh-so-trendy but ever-so-darling purse, versus the amount of happiness that it will bring me toting it around on my arm! Well of course they balance out duh So I continue to scroll down the page, ready to make my purchase when I see it... the dreaded "we are sorry-". It was all gone!

So what's a girl to do? I mean I really, really need this! I am going to be so upset if I can't find it! I am going to look on eBay later and call the KS main office tomorrow! I can't believe I missed this in stores and I need to see if there is one floating anywhere out there!
Let me know if you see one- mTa
I have seen this on KS website too and it is TDF! I love elephants also, and when I first saw this I thought I HAD to have it...until I saw the price tag :) haha